Since the impact of COVID-19 global pandemic on our daily lives. Sadly, we’ve all borne witness to how this insidious virus is impacting our families, our communities and our very way of life. What we’re facing is daunting, but we are heartened by the moments of triumph in everyday acts of courage, humanity and love.

The pulse of the world beats as one to overcome COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating impact around the globe. As we all watch the news unfold about this unprecedented event, it’s clear that there is a need to assist and bolster healthcare workers and community caregivers who are on the frontlines working to contain COVID-19 pandemic.

Let’s not dwell on the UK Governments discussion on herd immunity and timelines in taken right steps at right time with piecemeal information as all these questions will be answered in due course instead let’s focus on the here and know by staying home staying safe and ensuring the adequate Personal Protective Equipment PPE supplies are given to all who are working and volunteering at the front line.

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, we may see an implementation guide and toolkit that is mandatory for everyone to wear the adequate Personal Protective Equipment PPE with hand sanitiser made available free of charge when out and about.

We are also going to have to forward think about Physical Distance when working, socialising and travelling differently.

For instance the layout of the office, cafés and restaurants etc. will require to comply with the currently recommended 2-metre, 6 feet distance from other people with table contents being deep cleaned before and after every customer, employee and volunteer use.

Car sharing may be questioned and how we travel on public transport.

General business meetings, benefits reviews, socialising events and concerts may be arranged online as technology is enhanced in many ways.

Flexible working from home may be a novelty for some but remote working can make for better work and life balance and can keep staff and volunteers safe from COVID-19 and during extreme weather conditions.

The above are all possibilities.

With so much COVID-19 advice and guidance being updated regularly we hope that the following Web links will be empowering.

World Health Organisation COVID-19

Scottish Government COVID-19

UK Government COVID-19

Health and Care COVID-19

National Health Service COVID-19

It can be difficult to find the correct answers during these unprecedented times with too many questions concerning those employing Personal Assistants and Carers at this time so again we hope the following Web links will be empowering.

Health Protection Scotland COVID-19 Protecting Scotland’s Health

GOV.UK COVID-19 Home Care

GOV.UK COVID-19 Financial

Message to the world. Be positive, strong don’t lose hope and believe that together we create a new way of life after COVID-19 as the act of kindness continues especially for all the key workers.

A “Personal Assistants and Social Carer Identification” letter was emailed to all our registered members to assist with fast-track shopping for essentials.

We hope the above information will assist you as we are all in this together and by working together we will get through this extraordinary time.

It may be exhausting self-isolation at home so be positive and make every day a productive day.

If you think we can support you please email or call 07503 246 288 or 07340 327 805 and we’ll do our best to source the answers for you once we understand your needs.

We always welcome any views that you may have in relation to COVID-19 to help shape our new world.

Plan for a plan and rebuild a better new normal working from home with less commuting, increase technology and recognise and appreciate our carers and front line staff.

Stay Home, Stay Safe, keeping your Physical Distance.

Thank you